1. Yad Progress

Display progress indication dialog.

for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# $((i))%"
    sleep 0.5
} | yad --progress \
  --text="Progress demo..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
yad progress
Figure 1. Progress dialog

When the --progress option is used, yad reads lines of progress data from stdin.
When the lines begin with the text after is displayed in the progress barlabel.
Numeric values treats like a persents for progress bar.

1.1. --pulsate

Pulsate progress bar.
This option works only in single-bar mode.

for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# $((i))%"
    sleep 0.2
} | yad --progress \
  --pulsate \
  --text="Pulsate..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
yad progress pulsate
Figure 2. Progress dialog with --pulsate option

1.2. --auto-close

Dismiss the dialog when 100% has been reached.

1.3. --auto-kill

Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed.

1.4. --progress-text=TEXT

Set the label of progress bar to TEXT.
This option works only in single-bar mode.

yad --progress --progress-text=Demo 20
yad progress progress text
Figure 3. Progress Dialog with --progress-text=TEXT option

1.5. --rtl

Right-To-Left progress bar direction.
This option works only in single-bar mode.

for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# $((i))%"
    sleep 0.2
} | yad --progress \
  --text="Progress demo..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
  --auto-kill --rtl
yad progress rtl
Figure 4. Progress Dialog with --rtl option

1.6. --vertical

Set vertical orientation of progress bars.

yad --progress --vertical 20
yad progress vertical
Figure 5. Progress Dialog with --vertical option

1.7. --enable-log=[TEXT]

Show log window.

Example log window
for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# Remaining $((100-i))% to finish the job"
    sleep 0.2
} | yad --progress \
  --enable-log="Test Log" \
  --text="Testing..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
yad progress log 0
Figure 6. Progress dialog with log
yad progress log 1
Figure 7. Progress dialog with log - log expanded

1.8. --log-expanded

Expand log window.

for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# Remaining $((100-i))% to finish the job"
    sleep 0.2
} | yad --progress \
  --enable-log="Test Log" \
  --text="Testing..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
  --log-expanded \
yad progress log 1
Figure 8. Progress dialog with log - log expanded

1.9. --log-height

--log-height Height of log window.

for ((i=1; i<=100; i++))
    echo $i
    echo "# Remaining $((100-i))% to finish the job"
    sleep 0.2
} | yad --progress \
  --log-height=100 \
  --enable-log="Test Log" \
  --log-expanded \
  --text="Testing..." \
  --width=300 \
  --button=yad-cancel \
yad progress log height 100
Figure 9. Progress dialog with log - log-height set to 100

2. Yad Multi progress bars

Initial values for bars sets as an extra arguments.
Each lines with progress data passed to stdin must be started from N: where N is a number of progress bar. In a single-bar mode N: is not needed.

yad --progress \
  --width=250 \
  --bar="Bar 1" 10 \
  --bar="Bar 2" 20
yad multi progress bar 1
Figure 10. Multiple Progress Dialog

2.1. --bar=LABEL[:TYPE]

Add progress bar.
LABEL is a text label for progress bar. TYPE is a progress bar type. Types are: NORM for normal progress bar, RTL for inverted progress bar and PULSE for pulsate progress bar.
If no bars specified, the progress dialog works in single-bar mode.

yad --progress \
  --width=250 \
  --bar="Bar 1:rtl" 10 \
  --bar="Bar 2:rtl" 20
yad multi progress bar rtl
Figure 11. Multiple Progress Dialog - Type = rtl

2.2. --watch-bar=NUMBER

Watch for specific bar for auto close

2.3. --auto-close

Dismiss the dialog when 100% of all bars has been reached

2.4. --auto-kill

Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed

3. Examples

3.1. xdf

Here is an excellent example of multiple progress bars. It will only show the drives that are currently mounted.

Source: xdf
eval exec yad \
  --title="xdf" \
  --image=drive-harddisk \
  --text="Disk\ usage:" \
  --buttons-layout=end \
  --width=650 \
  --progress \
  $(df -hT $1 | tail -n +2 | \
  awk '{printf "--bar=\"<b>%s</b> (%s - %s) [%s/%s]\" %s ", $7, $1, $2, $4, $3, $6}')
yad multi progress bar 2
Figure 12. Xdf

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