1. Yad General options

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('--').

2. --title=TITLE

Set the dialog title.

Command for title
yad --title="Hello World"
Window Title
Figure 1. Dialog title

3. --window-icon=ICONPATH

Set the window icon.

ICONPATH can be either a full path to icon or gtk stock item name.

yad --window-icon=dialog-information
yad window icon
Figure 2. Dialog icon

4. --width=WIDTH

Set the window width.

yad --width=400 --text="Width = 400"
yad width
Figure 3. Dialog width

5. --height=HEIGHT

Set the window height.

yad --width=400 --text="Height = 400"
yad height
Figure 4. Dialog height

6. --posx=NUMBER

Set the X position of dialog window. NUMBER can be negative.

7. --posy=NUMBER

Set the Y position of dialog window. NUMBER can be negative.

8. --geometry=WxH+X+Y

Set the window geometry.

Use standard X Window geometry notation for placing dialog. When this option is used, width, height, posx, posy, mouse and center options are ignored.

9. --timeout=TIMEOUT

Set dialog timeout in seconds.

10. --timeout-indicator=POSITION

Show timeout indicator in given position.
Positions are top, bottom, left or right. Style of indicator may be set through the users CSS styles.

yad --timeout=5 --timeout-indicator=top
indicator=top indicator=bottom
yad timeout top
yad timeout bottom
indicator=left indicator=right
yad timeout left
yad timeout right

11. --text=TEXT

Set the dialog text.

yad --text="Hello World"
yad text
Figure 5. Dialog with text

12. --text-width=NUMBER

Set the dialog text width in characters

13. --text-align=TYPE

Set the dialog text alignment (left, center, right, fill).

text-align=left text-align=center text-align=right
yad text align left
yad text align center
yad text align right

14. --image=IMAGE

Set the dialog image which appears on the left side of dialog`s text.
IMAGE might be file name or icon name from current icon theme.

yad --image=dialog-information
yad image
Figure 6. Dialog with image

15. --icon-theme=THEME

Use specified icon theme instead of default.

16. --expander=[TEXT]

Hide main widget with expander.
TEXT is an optional argument with expander’s label.

yad --entry --text="expander demo" --image-on-top --expander="Show entry"
yad expander 1
yad expander 2

17. --button=BUTTON:ID

Add dialog button (may be used multiple times).

ID is an exit code or a command. BUTTON may be gtk stock item name for predefined buttons (like gtk-close or gtk-ok) or text in a form LABEL[!ICON[!TOOLTIP]] where ! is an item separator.

Full list of stock items may be found in section STOCK ITEMS. If no buttons specified OK and Cancel buttons used. See EXIT STATUS section for more. If ID have a non-numeric value it treats as a command and click on such button doesn’t close the dialog.

yad --button="Test"\!gtk-ok\!"Test Description"
yad button tooltip
Note Notice the '\' escape characters. These are not required in a script but are from the CLI.

18. --no-buttons

Don’t show buttons.

yad no buttons

19. --buttons-layout=TYPE

Set buttons layout type (spread, edge, start, end or center).

yad --buttons-layout=start \
  --button=yad-cancel \
  --button=yad-ok \
Table 1. Buttons layout

yad button spread

yad button edge

yad button start

yad button center

end (default)
yad button end

20. --no-markup

Don’t use pango markup language in dialog’s text.

21. --no-escape

Don’t close dialog if Escape was pressed.

22. --escape-ok

Escape acts like OK button.

23. --borders=NUMBER

Set window borders

yad --borders=40

yad borders 40

24. --always-print-result

Always print result.
Print result for any of the return codes. This option doesn’t work if timeout was reached or Escape was pressed.

25. --response=NUMBER

Set default exit code to NUMBER instead of 0.

26. --selectable-labels

Dialog text can be selected.

If set, user can select dialog’s text and copy it to clipboard. This option also affects on label fields in form dialog.

yad --selectable-labels --text="Selectable labels"
yad selectable labels

27. --keep-icon-size

Don’t scale icons. This option affects icons outside icon theme.

28. --use-interp=[INTERP]

All commands runs under specified interpreter. Default is bash -c "%s". This option can reduse quoting in commands. If %s is specified, it will be replaced by the command. Otherwise command will be appended to the end of command line.

29. --uri-handler=CMD

Use CMD as uri handler. By default yad uses open-command parameter from settings. URI replace %s in command string or adds as a last part of command line.

30. --f1-action=CMD

Set the command running when F1 was pressed.

31. --sticky

Make window visible on all desktops.

32. --fixed

Set window unresizable.

Make window fixed width and height.

33. --on-top

Place window over other windows.

34. --center

Place window on center of screen.

35. --mouse

Place window at the mouse position.

36. --undecorated

Make window undecorated (remove title and window borders).

yad --undecorated
yad undecorated

37. --skip-taskbar

Don’t show window in taskbar and pager.

38. --maximized

Run dialog window maximized.

39. --fullscreen

Run dialog in fullscreen mode.
This option may not work on all window managers.

40. --no-focus

Don’t focus dialog window.
Dialog window never take focus.

41. --close-on-unfocus

Close the dialog window when it loses focus.

42. --splash

Open window as a splashscreen.

Open window with "splashscreen" window hints.
For details see description of _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH in EWMH specification.

The behavior of dialog with this option HIGHLY DEPENDS on settings of your window manager.


for ((i=1; i<=100; i++)) {
    echo $i
    echo "# $((i))%"
    sleep 0.1
} | yad --splash \
  --progress \
  --pulsate \
  --image=./Elefant.png \
  --text-align=center \
  --auto-close \
  --skip-taskbar \
  --center \
yad splash
Figure 7. YAD splash example

43. --plug=KEY

Special type of dialog for XEMBED.

Run dialog in plug mode for swallow as a notebook tab.
See NOTEBOOK section for more.

44. --tabnum=NUMBER

Tab number of this dialog.

See NOTEBOOK section for more.

45. --kill-parent=[SIGNAL]

Send SIGNAL to parent.
Default value of SIGNAL is a SIGTERM. SIGNAL may be specified by it’s number or symbolic name with or without SIG prefix.

46. --print-xid=[FILENAME]

Output X Window ID of a yad’s window to the specified file or stderr.

47. --rest=FILENAME

Read extra arguments from given file instead of command line. Each line of a file treats as a single argument.


yad --title="--rest demo" \
  --width=250 \
  --rest=yad-rest-demo.txt \
  --list \
  --column=Name \
  --column=Nickname \
yad rest
Figure 8. YAD --rest example

48. --enable-spell

Enable spell checking in textview widgets

49. --spell-lang=LANGUAGE

Set spell checking language to LANGUAGE. By default language guesses from current locale.

Use yad-tools(1) to get list of all possible languages.

50. --bool-fmt=TYPE

Set the output type of boolean values to TYPE. Possible types are T, t, Y, y, O, o and 1.

TYPE Description

T and t

for true/false pair in appropriate case.

Y and y

for yes/no pair in appropriate case.

O and o

for on/off pair in appropriate case.


for 1/0 pair.

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